plasma seminar 2024
Date: 25/04/2024
Location: SENTECH Berlin

On April 25th 2024 SENTECH Instruments will host this years application oriented seminar on Plasma Process Technology. The seminar will take place at their Berlin HQ and will include a tour or the production and application labs at SENTECH. Speakers will present on topics relating to low damage etching and coating in the processing of compound semiconductor devices, for applications in the production of infra-red sensors, optics, power semiconductors and quantum technology.

On the evening before, April 24th at 7pm the participants are invited to a networking event at a restaurant in Berlin. The number of participants is limited so please contact us if you would like to reserve a space. The cost of the seminar is 300 euros per person.

Seminar Program

09:00 Welcome and introduction of the program, organisation, and SENTECH employees
Friedrich P. Witek, SENTECH GmbH, Krailling and SENTECH Instruments GmbH, Berlin
09:10 SENTECH Plasma Process Technology
Latest developments in etching of LiNbO3, diamond structures, and stress-controlled ICPECVD
Marcel Schulze, SENTECH Instruments GmbH, Berlin
Friedrich P. Witek, SENTECH GmbH, Krailling and SENTECH Instruments GmbH, Berlin
09:40 Comparison of different PEALE modes on nitride semiconductors
Christian Miersch, Fraunhofer-Institut für Integrierte Systeme und Bauelementetechnologie IISB,
Außenstelle THM, Freiberg, Germany
10:10 Coffee break and time for discussions
10:45 Challenges in manufacturing of mid-infrared semiconductor devices
Artur Trajnerowicz, Vigo System S.A., Ożarów Mazowiecki, Poland
11:15 In-situ depth control for plasma etching steps in optical III-V devices
Ralph-Stephan Unger, Ferdinand-Braun-Institut gGmbH, Leibniz-Institut für Höchstfrequenztechnik, Berlin, Germany
11:45 Applications of DRIE using Bosch process and cryogenic etching for Silicon
Seçkin Akıncı, Koç Üniversitesi, Istanbul, Türkiye
12:15 Lunch and time for discussions
13.45 Multilayered optical coatings by PVD, ICPECVD, and PEALD combined in a single cluster
Mario Ziegler, Leibniz-Institut für Photonische Technologien e.V. (IPHT), Jena, Germany
14:15 Advanced processing of large-area MoS2 layers in a five-chamber cluster tool for (flexible) 2D electronics
Claudia Bock, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Fak. für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, LS f. Mikrosystemtechnik,
Bochum, Germany
14:45 Coffee break and time for discussions
15:20 In-situ process development of HfO2, Al2O3, and AlN PEALD on SiC for power electronics
Paul Plate, SENTECH Instruments GmbH, Berlin, Germany
15:35 PEALD for organic perovskites for solar applications
Jakob Zessin, SENTECH Instruments GmbH, Berlin, Germany
15:50 The SENTECH PTSA ̶ a unique ICP plasma source
Michael Höfner, SENTECH Instruments GmbH, Berlin, Germany
16:30 All participants of the seminar are invited to visit the application laboratories at SENTECH Instruments
17:30  End of the seminar


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SENTECH Plasma Process Technology Seminar 2025