J-GRAPHENE is a graphene dispersion developed by Jokoh of Japan using their high pressure NAGS homogeniser. It is a high quality, low defect graphene dispersion with high heat and electrical conductivity that provides a level of performance comparable to carbon nanotubes.

J-GRAPHENE was designed to be high quality whilst being easy to use and affordable.

Full production is due to start in 2026, but you can contact us now for samples.

Jokoh of Japan have been part of healthcare research and development for over 70 years. They opened their first branch in Tokyo and now market their products to approximately 40 countries worldwide. In recent years they have expanded their portfolio with the introduction of the NAGS homogeniser and more recently the exciting J-GRAPHENE liquid dispersion material.


Key Features

  • Low defect – D/G ratio of 0.06 which generally indicates exceptionally high-quality graphene
  • Few layers (<5) – Particularly suitable for applications where mechanical strength and conductivity are crucial
  • Selective solvent – NMP currently used for stability but proven examples of MEK and MIBK as well
  • Easy to use! – Dispersion form means J-GRAPHENE has a high degree of usability

Introduction to J-GRAPHENE

Graphene is called the ultimate carbon nano-material, but there were two challenges in developing it compared to others.

The first was the problem of quality. Since graphene requires complex and intricate structuring, achieving a low level of defects is difficult.

The second was the problem of cost. Due to the processing required to manufacture graphene, cost was also a challenge.

This is probably a reason some companies are forced to give up on using graphene and find a substitute even though they understand its utility. Since it’s difficult for companies to use graphene at present, this is inhibiting business and technology innovation.

To solve this problem, Jokoh have made this dream material more approachable with J-GRAPHENE. While maintaining low defects and high quality, J-GRAPHENE was developed with a commitment to low cost and high usability.

J-GRAPHENE is sure to be useful to both startups proposing new value and improved functionality or cost reduction for existing products.


If you need a quote or would like more information on this product then please get in touch


Graphene type Few layer graphene (FLG)
Form Dispersion (NMP)
Manufacturing method Liquid phase exfoliation
Raw material Natural graphite
Graphene concentration (wt%) 1.0
Solvent content (wt%) 99.0
Product JKG04
Structural defects (ID/IG) (Raman) <0.20
Number of layers (Raman)  <5
Lateral dimensions (μm) <3.0

Few Layers

J-GRAPHENE has less then 5 layers with drastically lower defect rates compared to other materials.


The applications for J-GRAPHENE are wide ranging and include:

  • Energy storage
  • Electronics and semiconductors
  • Sensors
  • Composites
  • Coatings and paints
  • Biomedical
  • Water filtration and desalination
  • Optoelectronics
  • Aerospace and automotive
  • Thermal management

If you need a quote or would like more information on this product then please get in touch

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